Tuesday, 27 May 2014



Talent is a gift from God,
Receive it. 

Talent is a treasure,
hunt for it.

Talent is an adventure,
Explore it.

Talent is a dream,
Make it real.

Talent is passion,
Excite it.

Talent is beauty,
Behold it.

Talent is a fragrance,
Inhale it.

Talent is joy,
Crave it. 

Talent is a companion,
Walk with it.

Talent is a rhythm,
Enjoy it.

Talent is a brook,
Drink from it.

Talent is a mountain,
Climb it.

Talent is a plant,
Nurture it.

Talent is wind,

Talent is a path,
Walk in it.

Talent is life,
Live it.


Talent is a gift. It is that special ability that is given by God to each of His creation. 

Parents, here is a wake up call, "You need to discover your talent." If you know your talent and you are using it, that is great. For those that don't even know, you need to do something about it.
The world needs your talent, whatever it is. It is a crime if you don't discover it, you will be depriving the world of a valuable gift.

How can a parent that does not know the value of talent be able to help his or her child? It can only take someone that knows the importance and the value of talent to be able to help his or her child in that regards. No one can give what he or she does not have.

Parents owe themselves the duty of discovering their own talents. They also owe their children the same duty.

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

               TALK TO GOD

God is our father; we have the right to talk to Him, just the same way we talk to our earthly father and mother.

When God gave us our children, He knew everything about them, including who they will become. He also knew the purpose why he has  created each of them.  

God, therefore, expects us to always come to Him to gain wisdom and understanding on how to train our children. He expects us to pray for insights to know how to nurture them in order for each of them to fulfill His purpose.

As parents, you should start talking to God about your child/children , even from the womb. Then He will enlighten your mind, teach you and guide you on how to nurture him or her/them as the case may be.

Even God can show us what to do and how to pray when any of these children has gone on another path. He is their maker, He alone knows the solution. And He will surely take charge, only if we trust Him and talk to Him.

As parents, we should not despair. if we listen to God and follow His instructions on how to train our children and how to pray for them, He will sort them out. He is their maker.