"The Little Engine That Could" is a children's book by Watty Piper published in 1930. The story was about a long train that had to be pulled over a high mountain by another little train.
Several larger trains that were present were asked to help pull the long train up the mountain, they refused and gave different excuses.
Eventually, a little blue train was asked to help pull the long train, it gladly offered to help. It did not focus on its size, though smaller when compared with the long train. It had always been a positive minded engine that had believed it could do anything.
The little engine was willing to try. While at it, it kept on saying, "I think I can, i think i can." It continued to puff out smoke as it pulled and stretched slowly, and sometimes, faster. It kept on climbing the mountain while other engines stood and watched. Some even probably jeered at the little engine that it would stop or even fall off the rail track.
The little blue train continued pulling despite being tired. Even when it felt like giving up, it still continued. Its focuse was the end of its journey.
This little engine continued bravely and kept telling itself, "I think i can, i think i can." It kept on until it got to its destination.
With the right thought pattern, and through positive affirmation, the little blue train was able to pull the long train over the mountain.
Other bigger engines did not even try at all. Their thoughts had limited them.
Most of us are like those other engines that did not try at all.
We ought to take a cue from the little engine, never to limit ourselves by our thoughts. Our children need us to teach them this good value.
Our thoughts have the power to make or mar us.