Saturday, 14 October 2023



Parents are superheroes.They ought to be given those superheroes names and powers.

Parents are on a special assignment here on earth. If I should write a  script for them, they will be able to perform all superheroes' powers. Infact, I will invent other powers that are yet to exist.

Don't ever underestimate yourselves. I marvel at what parents can do. There is need to expose your children to the realities of life early.

Most times, parents over protect their children and wait too late to expose them to being superheroes early in life.
Let children too start their superheroes' journey on time. The more you allow them to face the realities of life, the stronger they become.

You will notice that the domestic staff that work in most homes are usually stronger than the children of the house. The reason is that these staff have started playing thie superheroes' roles at a very early age. 

Over sheltering and over protectiveness most times do not allow children to thrive the way they ought to.

Please allow your children to start to learn their superheroes' skills early.

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