Saturday, 14 October 2023


The inauguration of Pro-Kidz Club took place today the 7th day of June, 2016 at Royal Diamond Private School, Gardol Street, Ijaiye Ogba, Lagos- Nigeria.

It was an exciting programme which was put together by me.

I envisioned a better world that a group of individuals will build through love, kindness, passion for a happy lifestyle, positivity and dedication to humanity. These group of people will comprise both young and old coming together.

I would like to appreciate the school's administrators in the persons of Mr. Alex and Mr. Abel who have been very supportive over the years. This has motivated me to start the club in their school. 

Here is my own little way of giving back to humanity. Any little act of kindness from you can have a long lasting positive impact on your children, the children around you and the world at large.


Here are ways parents can encourage their children to cultivate a reading habit:

(1) Allow them to choose the book that interest them.

(2) They can also read audio books.

(3) Create an awesome reading space for them.

(4) Get them while reading.

(5) Sometimes, get them outside by creating a colourful outdoor space for them to read.

(6) Register them in a book club.

(7) parents should also be reading partners. 

(8) Do book review with your children.

(9) Make out time to take a book(s) to the park during picnic(s).

(10) invite your children's friends and organise a reading party for them.

(11) Organise a reading competition amongst your children and their friends.


You can make a think right tree with your child/children by writing out positive things about each other on a colourful paper and paste them on another paper to form a tree. You can frame the finished work.

This project will be an amazing way to teach a child/children how to think positively.


Atkins was a well mannered hardworking boy. He  had a sister named Cherry who was very lazy. 

 Mr. and Mrs. Patterson were Atkins and Cherry's parents.They tried as much as they could to nurture good character in both children, just that Cherry was lazy.

"Cherry Dear, do help to do the dishes while i do the laundry, please," Mrs. Patterson told her daughter.

Cherry squeezed her face and replied, "Mum, i can't, I just can't," Cherry answered.

"Why?" Mrs. Patterson asked.

"Nothing, I just don't want to," Cherry replied.

 Mrs. Patterson would never tolerate  laziness, "Get in there at once and do the dishes," she said firmly.

 Cherry reluctantly went to do the dishes.

Mr. Patterson and Atkins were in the kitchen putting dinner together.

Atkins was happily helping out with dinner. Indeed, it was a very tasty one.

Story by: Oluwatoyin Molade.

Watch out for the concluding part!


One day, it was announced that each school in the state of Bastille should nominate an Ambassador for  Character Competition.

 Atkins was chosen to represent Bloomingdale School because no one could match his good character and intelligence.

"And the winner is, Atkins Patterson," the governor announced.

Atkins was overjoyed to have won the character competition.

Dedicating his award to his parents, Atkins said, " I dedicate this award to my parents, Mr. and Mrs. Patterson, for the amazing work they did in raising me."

Atkins also won as the overall best Ambassador at the national level. His good character, intelligence, his positive attitude and kindness warmed the hearts of the judges. 

"Atkins is such an amazing individual who has shown an impeccable character throughout this competition... " The president announced.

Mr. and Mrs. Atkins were given a standing ovation and an award for raising such an amazing individual as Atkins.

Cherry was green with envy.

When the family got home, Cherry told her parents, "Mum, Dad, I am very sorry for how I have behaved in the past. Today, I learnt that good character pays."

"It is so good that you have realised all we did for you and your brother," Mrs. Patterson said.

"Cherry, good character is key to success," her dad said.

"Thank you Dad, thank you Mum, I really appreciate you both," Cherry told her parents.

"And thank you Atkins, for making our family proud,'" Cherry told her brother as she hugged him.

Story by: Oluwatoyin Molade.


"Anything is possible. Anything can be." - Shel Silverstein

"Make each day your masterpiece." - John Wooden

"Only surround yourself with people who will lift you higher."  - Oprah Winfrey

" Why fit in when you were born to stand out?" - Dr. Seuss

"Dwell on the beauty of life. Watch the stars, and see yourself running with them." - Marcus Aurelius

"Yes we can!" - Barack Obama

Race, gender, religion, sexuality, we are all people and that's it. We're all people. We're all equal." - Connor Franta

"When you are joyful, when you say yes to life and have fun and project positivity all around you, you become a sun in the constellation, and people want to be near you." - Shannon L. Alder

"Your thoughts will lead you to success, if they are positive." - Oluwatoyin Molade

"Mathematics expresses values that reflect the cosmos, including orderliness, balance, harmony, logic, and abstract beauty." - Deepak Chopra

"Think positive and you will shine like diamond" - Oluwatoyin Molade



Parents are superheroes.They ought to be given those superheroes names and powers.

Parents are on a special assignment here on earth. If I should write a  script for them, they will be able to perform all superheroes' powers. Infact, I will invent other powers that are yet to exist.

Don't ever underestimate yourselves. I marvel at what parents can do. There is need to expose your children to the realities of life early.

Most times, parents over protect their children and wait too late to expose them to being superheroes early in life.
Let children too start their superheroes' journey on time. The more you allow them to face the realities of life, the stronger they become.

You will notice that the domestic staff that work in most homes are usually stronger than the children of the house. The reason is that these staff have started playing thie superheroes' roles at a very early age. 

Over sheltering and over protectiveness most times do not allow children to thrive the way they ought to.

Please allow your children to start to learn their superheroes' skills early.

Thursday, 12 October 2023


It is the responsibility of parents to keep their children safe. We appreciate that very much. It is also their responsibility to teach them bravery.

God has not given you the spirit of fear, rather he has given you the spirit of of love, power and sound mind.

As parents, if you show that you are fearful, then you can't teach our children to be brave.

Parents need to know how to deal with fear so that they won't raise Scaredy cats.



(1) There is power in thinking right. Be like the little blue train (engine), let your thoughts be positive, when they are, you are energised and motivated to accomplish whatever you set your mind to do.

(2) The little engine thought it could do it and it did it. There is a saying that 'If your mind can think it, you can do it.' Once you think that you can do anything, if you work at that thing hard enough, you will surely succeed in it.

(3) The little engine encouraged itself by saying, "I think i can, i think i can." You need to tell yourself always who you are and what you can do. Positive self talk helps to shape and mold people's lives and character.

(4) The little engine was focused on its goal to pull the big engine over the mountain. Irrespective of the height of the mountain, the size of the big train, the time and hard work the task would require, were not the little engine's concern. Its concern was to accomplish its goal. It was not deterred by the circumstances surrounding it. Always stay focused on your goal, do not allow obstacles to paralyse or distractions to hinder you from reaching your goal.

(5) The little engine was determined never to see limitations. It rather saw an opportunity to help, to prove its worth. Be determined to succeed in all you do.

(6) The little engine succeeded where other bigger ones have failed. Wherever you are, when others are thinking in the negative and saying "I can't, it is difficult," be strong. Your slogan should always be, "I can!"

(7) The story portrayed an act of bravery. People who think right, are always very brave. They don't entertain any fear. They are always bold to take on new challenges and explore new terrains at whatever cost. Be brave and face any task or obstacle with boldness.

(8) Though the train was small, yet it performed a task that other larger engines could not. Do not underestimate your ability. You can never know what you can do unless you try.

(9) The little train was moved by the need of the big train. It was its own way of showing kindness to an engine in need. Show kindness in any little way to those around you. Always be ready to help.


Xerxes was a brown little hyper dog  that belonged to Yale. They both loved taking a walk every evening. 

One day, as usual, Xerxes and Yale were excitedly walking down the road when Xerxes saw a bone.

Immediately, Xerxes left Yale's side and went after the bone.

"Xerxes, come back here!" Yale shouted. Xerxes ignored him.

The bone started bouncing down the road while Xerxes chased after it.

Yale was scared that he might either loose Xerxes or he might come to harm, so he ran after Xerxes.

As Yale ran after Xerxes, he called out, "Xerxes! Xerxes! stop!
Yet, the dog ignored the call.

The bone took a turn into a dark alley, still Xerxes did not turn back. The more they moved, the darker it became.

Suddenly, Xerxes found himself surrounded by other bones.

More and more bones kept coming out.

"You are Xerxes?" The bones growled in unison.

" yes," Xerxes answered in fright. "Ple... Please let...let me go." He begged.

Immediately, Xerxes started to pee on himself.

The bones ignored him. They continued to close in on him.

"Pleeeeeeeease, let me go!" Xerxes cried out.

Xerxes wished he had listened to Yale.

To be continued in the book titled:  "Xerxes And The Happy Bones," ( yet to be published).

Story by: Oluwatoyin Molade.


As adults, we need to help children define some things in life. We can't leave them to do just anything they like without pointing out to them the good and the bad. It is in knowing that they make their choices as they grow.

At Pro-Kidz, we are children, parents and teachers oriented. We are concerned about the character and emotional development of children. We are also interested in the well-being of parents and all stakeholders of children development.

We believe that parents and teachers should expose children to positive nurturing as early as their infancy. They should be particular about the character and habits they form.

The positive lifestyle we nurture as parents or teachers will positively enhance the qualities of a child's choices, decisions, life skills, attitude and character. It will also impact positively on his/her actions, ability to handle life's challenges and reasoning skills.

Oftentimes, parents, care givers and teachers always focus on academics  rather than character. They are quick to teach them school work or map out curriculum for them and disregard the issue of character development. At Pro-Kidz, we believe that once a child has his or her foundation embedded on good character, he or she will not have any problem with his or her intellectual abilities.

It is our desire that focus should be shifted to character rather than academics. This will make the future brighter and the world better.

Let us begin to produce a new generation of individuals who will stand out and make the world  stronger, safer and kinder.



Isabel was a happy little girl who lived with her parents in the woods.

Isabel had a good life. She was surrounded by raw beauty, from the rivers that flow calmly, to the singing birds and the swaying trees.

Isabel would wake up each morning, refreshed, inhaling the lovely fragrances from the work of nature all around her.

It was a heavenly life for Isabel in the woods. Her friends were some lovely animals who came to play with her.

Malakai, the chimp called out" Isabel, hurry up, we are here to play." 

"I will be out in a moment," Isabel responded as she finished putting away the plates she had helped her mother wash.

"Hurry up, i have something to share," Rare the rabbit said.

Isabel's moments with her animal friends bring so much joy to her. She wouldn't dare give up their moments together for anything in the world. 

Story by: Oluwatoyin Molade.

Parents and teachersm, it would be a wonderful experience for your children to enjoy moments like Isabel.

Life close to nature is beautiful and fun. Nature has such calming and soothing effects. It is good for mankind. Nothing can be compared to it.

Please take your children out to explore the nature around you. It is God's gift to mankind, enjoy it 



A star is made,
And not born.

A good heart,
Is so key.

And good deeds,
Must shine forth.

You don't neglect.

Your words too,
Should give life.

And hard work,
Your best friend.

A good brain,
must you have.

Through all these
A star is made.

By: Oluwatoyin Molade


Up there in the sky, during a starry night, we can see stars which shine so bright and radiate beauty.  

We can compare these stars to children all over the world. They are all beautiful gifts from God. 

Parents owe these young minds the  duty of building good character and high my oral values in these them. That is when they can stand out amongst their peers. And it is only those ones who stand out and  influence others positively that you can refer to as stars.

Parents, please impact your children positively, show them good examples, train them up to posses good character and teach them high moral values so that their light can shine so bright like stars that shine so bright during a starry night.



                                     HAPPY CHILDREN'S DAY





I am a Mom and i really appreciate how much work parents/ teachers do to raise good kids. It takes a whole lot of energy, but it's worth it because of the joy that comes with being a parent or a teacher.

While growing up, each opportunity my parents had, they would tell me the importance of good behaviour and making good choices.

To be candid, not all their advices sounded interesting to me. Now I know that they had my best interest at heart.

Parents/teachers, don't be discouraged, keep training; it will pay off one day. 


1. The brain is made up of 75% water.

2. The brain can scan and process complex images in as little as 13 milliseconds.

3. The brain has trillions of synapses and can process in a second what it will take a computer to process in 40 minutes.

4. The brain contains more connections than there are stars in our entire galaxy.
There are  between 80 & 100 billion neurons (nerve cells) in the human brain.

5. The left hemisphere of the brain packs in almost 200 million more neurons than the right.

6. Neurons vary in sizes between 4 and 100 microns wide.

7. Sleep deprivation leads to  memory loss, anger, impaired wit, hallucinations, loss of focus, risky decisions, slurred speech, cerebral shrinkage and even brain damage.

8. Sleep deprivation also raises brain temperature.

9 . The sleeping brain could power a 25-watt light bulb.

10. The brain actually lacks pain receptors. 

Take care of your mental health. Your brain is the powerhouse of your body and your life.


Going by a simple definition, happiness can be defined as the state of being happy. Being happy is a choice and it is the best choice for you to make.

Why you should choose to be happy:

* Being happy makes you likeable   and loveable .

* It makes you stay positive.

* It makes you lively.

* It makes you shine and successful.

* It makes you stand out.

* It also makes you smart and       healthy.

How you can stay happy:

● Look good, dress well, be neat and smell good.

● Be positive in your attitude. Believe in yourself. Love who you are. See yourself as the best.

● We live in an amazing world, just form the habit of looking out for those things that will bring happiness to you, such as: the beauty of the sunsets, the colourful flowers, the cute baby animals, the multicoloured rainbows, the singing birds, the happy faces of children, family, friends and neighbours.

● Pets make people happy, keep a pet if you like or make friends.

● keep fit by exercising. Also eat healthy meals.

● Take time to rest and have a good sleep everyday.

● Show kindness to people around you.

● Discover your talents and use them. You can also learn new skills.

● Work on your ideas and change the world with it; they say ideas rule the world.

● Learn to dance and dance away your sorrow. Also learn to listen to music; it is food for the soul.

● Don't give up in any situation you find yourself. You should know that an unpleasant situation cannot last forever; instead of dwelling on it, find a solution to it and trust the Lord to help you.

● Meditate on God's word and pray.

On a final note, Stay Happy!!!


At Pro-kidz Creche and Preschool, we nurture a lifestyle through character development and positivity. These help in enhancing the qualities of a child's choices, decisions, life skills, attitude and character. They also impact positively on his/her actions, ability to handle life's challenges and reasoning skills.

We extend our nurturing to homes by involving parents in what we do, for continuity and consistency.

We include daily exercises in the children's curriculum in order for them to develop physically and healthwise.

We ensure that parents package healthy meals and snacks for their children. These impact positively on their brain development and overall well-being.

 It is not in our culture to screen-train our children so we limit TV time considerably. Therefore, we have a well stocked library and we introduce reading to them, even from three months old, we read to infants and toddlers. While our preschool children read on their own, through picture reading. We also cherish story and library moments.

We pay particular attention to self-discipline, self-discovery, independence, academic skills, problem solving skills, and enthusiasm for learning.

At our centre, each day is filled with fun intellectual, character building and positivity enhancing activities.

Our desire is to build a strong start in children in every aspect of life!

Early Childhood Development

As parents, we need to know that babies are born ready to learn, and their brains develop through use. So it is our duty to help stimulate their brain through activities and the things we expose them to. 

Recent researches confirm that the first five years are particularly important for the development of a child's brain, and the first three years are the most critical in shaping the brain network.

Early childhood experiences and environment form the base of character development.

What a child sees, hears, touches, smells and tastes stimulate a child's brain, thereby enhancing learning, health, emotions and behaviour.

Development in children also occur through physical activities.

Healthy nutrition also supports growth and brain development, 

A child thrives  better in a stimulating environment with lots of different activities that give plenty room for play. 

 Parents, teachers and family members have key roles to play in building children's character, morals, virtues and intellect.

Our children need us!

Screen Or No screen

Infants and toddlers need to learn  interaction with the people around them and not interaction with the screen.

You can video-call with grandparents, cousins or parents who are far away. But when it comes to day-to-day learning, children need to touch things, shake them, throw things, and most of all, see the faces and hear the voices of those they love the most, physically.

 Apps can teach toddlers to tap and swipe at a screen, but studies tell us that these skills don't translate into real-world learning.

A lot of parents say, "But my baby likes watching TV or playing with tablet computer!" Infants may stare at the bright colors and motions on a screen, researchers say it takes around 18 months for a baby's brain to develop before it starts to make meaning out of the symbols and pictures on the screen.

Some school of thoughts say that babies and toddlers don't get anything out of screens. They claim to have evidences which suggest that screen viewing before age 18 months has lasting negative effects on children's language development, reading skills, and short term memory. They also claim it  contributes to problems with sleep and attention. According to them, exposure to screen is like mental junk food for babies and toddlers.

Toddlers learn a lot more from banging pans on the floor while you cook dinner than he does from watching a screen for the same amount of time, because every now and then the two of you look at each other and messages are communicated through those glances. 

Just having the TV on in the background, even if no one is watching is said to be enough to delay language development. Normally, a parent speaks about 940 words per hour when a toddler is around. With the television on, that number falls by 770! Fewer words means less learning.

It is believed that toddlers who watch more TV are more likely to have problems paying attention at age 7.

Video programming is changing, it is getting more interesting. It almost does not give room to a child to deal with anything more tedious or demanding.

​Culled from: David L. Hill, MD, FAAP


As parents, we need to encourage our children to engage in more constructive plays and activities.

Here is an interview excerpt from IBM's 12-Year-Old Watson Programmer, Tanmay Bakshi who writes computer programs in his spare time.

Bakshi already has a couple of apps in the Apple app store. He is also the world's youngest IBM Watson programmer. IBM Watson is an intelligence engine which handles Artificial Intelligence (AI) as well as the Internet of Things (IoT). Bakshi has spoken at many conferences about programming. Additionally, he also has a YouTube channel where he shares videos on computing. He can code in swift, VB, Java, C# among many other languages.

When did you start programming?

I was 5 years old when I got curious. My dad used to do a lot of programming. So that intrigued me. Then I started creating my first programs, such as displaying "Hello World" in the Windows bash command line. Later, I picked up more languages in terms of programming.

What was the first app that you built and released?

I had built an app called tTables which helps you in learning multiplication tables. I released it in the app store when I was 9 years old. Funnily, it was accepted in the app store on Valentine's day of 2013.

Your thoughts about future technologies such as AI and VR (Virtual Reality)?

Artificial Intelligence is great. I watched a documentary a few months ago on YouTube and that is what attracted me to code on the IBM Watson platform. I also don't understand why people are afraid of AI. It is created by humans to help humans, we pull the plug when we want to. AI is already helping in medical science, social media, research, education and many more sectors.

excerpt from: Huffington Post


A butterfly grows from the egg stage to caterpillar, from caterpillar to chrysalis and from chrysalis to become a beautiful and colourful butterfly.

When a child is being formed in the womb, i consider this as the egg stage. 

When it is born into the world, i call this the caterpillar stage, and the best is yet to be seen. According to the caterpillar stage of development, it starts to feed on leaves and flowers. When i compare the growth of a child with this creature, a child starts to gather knowledge and continues to grow. My emphasis is on the thought pattern of an individual child, it is through thoughts that actions, character and habits are formed.

A positive minded child will definitely grow up to act right, possess good character, form good habits, have great relationship with others and will be a kind and strong individual that will not only succeed, but also impact others and the world in general.

Parents ought to teach their children how to develop positive mindset. It is the duty of parents to work on the thought pattern of each of their children by modelling positivity themselves. 

They should also expose their children to lots and lots of happy activities. They should shower them with so much love, so much hugs, so much kisses and fun. 

These children are watching, learning and forming their own thought pattern by what they see and experience; they are invariably growing in knowledge and wisdom.

 The habit of positive thinking therefore, can be likened to the leaves and flowers that a caterpillar is feeding on at the caterpillar stage, which help it to grow fat and robust.

After the caterpillar has thoroughly been fed fat, it becomes too big for its skin. It will automatically shed its skin and will be transformed into a chrysalis also known as pupa. The chrysalis stage is known as the rest stage. And for human beings, I call it the transformation stage. 

The chrysalis breaks forth and drops its old skin. It will come out wet and gradually assumes its original shape and hardens into a waxy pupa. If I dare to compare what is going on at this stage in the life of a butterfly with that of a child, it means the child will begin to show forth great qualities, good character and excellent habits through the positive mindset that has become a part of his or her life.

Chrysalis emergence into a transformed butterfly is indeed a wonder. I will rather call it one of the wonders of the world, as it breaks free from being a chrysalis to reveal an amazing beautiful butterfly. 

Just like the butterfly emerges as a beauty to behold, same way the child, this masterpiece will finally emerge, but no longer a child but a matured minded individual. 

A whole load of words such as masterpiece, priceless, jewel, worthwhile, successful, smart, a goal getter, a world changer and much more will be used to describe this individual.

Indeed, nature has a lot to teach us, but we are just too preoccupied to notice!

My Positive Self-Talk ( By Feyisetan Molade, 10 Years Old )

I am cool. 😎

I am awesome . 😏

I am a goal getter.

I am handsome.

I am intelligent.

I will change the wold for better.

I am always successful. 🙌

I am friendly. 👪

I think positive.

I am always happy.

I am unique.

I am kind.

I am capable.

I am in charge.

I think right.

I act right.

I am valuable.

I love my family.

I am grateful to God for all i have.

I am grateful to God for giving  me a wonderful family and good friends.

I rule my world.


Positivity is a lifestyle, live it.

Positivity is a journey, embark on it.

Positivity is a habit, form it.

Positivity is a character, build it.

Positivity is love, fall head over heel in love with it.

Positivity is a mindset, embrace it.

Positivity is a sweet melody, enjoy it.

Positivity is a treasure, hunt for it.

Positivity is an interest, have it.

Positivity is wealth, get it.

Positivity is your life, hold it dear.

Positivity is a diamond, treasure it.

Positivity is your companion, hold on to it.

Positivity is sweet, taste it.

Positivity is wisdom , seek it.

Positivity is knowledge, find it.

Positivity is a brand, build it.

Positivity is a vision, make it real.

Positivity is a mission, accomplish it.

Positivity is value, teach it.

Positivity is a seed, sow it.

Positivity is a plant, nurture it.

Positivity is an attitude, grow it.

Positivity is power, possess it.

Positivity is a culture, imbibe it.

Positivity is a pathway, walk it.

Positivity is a gift, unwrap it.

Positivity is happiness, share it.

Positivity is fire, let it burn.

Positivity is passion, burn with it.

Positivity is kindness, show it.

Positivity is a story, write it.

Positivity is a picture, paint it.


Positive self-talk is the act or practice of talking to oneself positively.

One needs to talk to oneself sometimes, for inner strength. Your background, your family, friends and your environment have all filled you up with so much negativity.

You just have to be a strong person. Your thoughts have to be positive. You must develop a positive attitude. Your utterances must be filled with positivity. 

How can you teach a child to be positive if you don't live that way? Don't forget, your child is watching and emulating you.

How can you teach yourself positive self-talk?

* You need to cut out all those negative thoughts that are going on in your mind.

*Stop uttering those negative words you say out loud to yourself.

* Begin to declare loudly positive affirmations. 

* Break loose from your fears.

* Focus on enjoyable moments. 

* Shut out those unpleasant memories.

 * Be happy.


             I AM A WINNER

    I race on and on in life.
    I put my life and strength on the line.
    I face the future as though it were here.
    I set my heart firmly on why I'm here.

    I'm here to write my name in gold.
    No trial can mar my dream.
    As I race on and on in my faith.
    My eyes set towards my goal.
    I'm a winner, I will attain my goal.

Poem by: Oluwatoyin Molade.

Parents, do you know you were born to be winners? As individuals, you were born to be winners. As parents, you were created to be winning parents.

Challenges will come in different ways and in all forms. Some will challenge your parenting. Some can even challenge your career, finances, health, and even marriages.

Be strong, be focused. Build up your faith in God. Dream of where you know God is taking you. When you fall, rise up and move! When you fail, try again! When you are depressed, tell yourself, "I can't loose it, people depend on me and the world is waiting for my contribution!"

You can't be a good parent if you are not first a strong, happy and a goal oriented individual. 

Who do you choose to be? A winner? If you choose to be a winner, then the world is waiting to see the real you: A WINNER!


Mum woke up this morning and thought about how to teach Dawn, her beautiful daughter how to build a happier, stronger and kinder world.

Thinking aloud, Mum said, "Ahaa! We can make paper flowers as: Happiness Giveaways."

'Dawn!" Mum called out to Dawn.

"Yes Mum," Dawn answered.

"Let us make paper flowers as happiness giveaways. We can give them out to families, neighbours and friends," Mum told Dawn.

Dawn was super excited about the. Idea.

"Yessss! I am in!" Dawn told Mum. 

Mum and Dawn set out to make paper flowers and paper flower vases. Dad met them, and joined in the fun.

Here are some paper flowers and the vase that Mum, Dawn and Dad made to give out to families, friends and neighbours, in the hope that they would spread happiness all around them.

Story by: Oluwatoyin Molade.

Crafts made at: Pro-Kidz Crèche and

Crafts methods:

A: Paper Flower:

1. Cut out two different coloured papers in circles of two different sizes, i.e. one big and one small circle.

2. Glue the two papers on top of each other.

3. Glue coloured rice on top of the last paper, ( you can use food colouring to make your coloured rice. Make sure to use dry raw rice).

4. Glue a straw to the back of the two papers that you have glued together.

Voilà, you have your flower!

Note: kindly note that the method shown above is for just one flower.

B: Paper Flower Vase:

 1. Get the core or the cardboard roll inside a toilet paper, close one part of the circle.

2. Glue a fancy paper like the one  used for the flower. Ensure it goes round the core of the toilet roll.

3. You can glue another small strip of different coloured paper round your craft.

Then you have your paper flower vase.


What creative things do you teach your children in order to nurture them to be kind individuals? 

Please post your comments below.